
September 24, 2016

Memory v/s Nostalgia

Our brain works like a perfect video editing software, it crops out all the unnecessary things from the past and reduces the memory of "awesome things" to precisely what was awesome.
Even the most memorable day of our lives largely had nothing as much memorable as the exact thing which makes it memorable, and we only remember that exact moment.
We remember that "hilariously funny incident that happened in class 8" but we don't remember what we ate in lunch the following day.
Nostalgia is nothing but a collection of faint and memorable moments cropped out of unnecessary and largely non-connected events.
What this also means is that people tend to forget the things, efforts and investment of time which builds small and "sweet memories".
We only remember the eating of fruits, but not the sowing of seeds.
The Caption and Pic have no connection except for, both talk about sweet memories.

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