
March 29, 2016

Every moment, we're making memories.

Every moment, we're making memories.

At times, we don't realise that our each little action and conversation, is defining, shaping our future to an extent that we can't even imagine.!
When we look back, maybe merely 2 years ago, we turn nostalgic remembering those incidences and moments.... And we wonder how those small decisions, were so well timed that we ended up living in "this" version of future, not the other way.
In my case, a timely fever decided that I'll continue schooling in St James after class 10, instead of Lucknow or Kota.
And now I feel soo thankful to that decision..or else, I would have missed all this, I would have missed meeting awesome people, and good and bad memories.!
We realise how those seemingly small conversations over WhatsApp/FB, later defined many "big" important decisions of life.
That's the Butterfly Effect (of Chaos Theory, Mathematics 😉 )
Who knows if a single flap of a butterfly in Delhi, set the motions of atoms in air in such a way that it triggered a Cyclone in Arabian sea..?
Likewise, who knows if a single yes/no, delay/ no-delay, friend request /unfriend, forgive/no-forgive, miss/no-miss of train, decision of joining/not-joining the coaching, etc, end up defining some really big Events of Life
These seemingly small events/decisions set the chain-reactions of event in such a way that they end up defining the version of future we're heading into.
Certainly there are manny versions of future, the best one being the one where I would full-fill all my dreams;
other alternates include mediocre versions of life b/w good and bad,
and perhaps the worst too, where I would be a Big Failure in life.
It's the "Now" and decisions which we make today, that would ultimately define what our fate would be, and I believe that many such life-defining events happen daily, which go unnoticed at the moment, but two years down the road of life, I'll look back and say,
"Well that little talk we had back then, that was the turning point of my life, many things happened because of the little inspiration I got from you that day 😊"

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