
April 25, 2016

Humans are awesome.

Humans are awesome, we tend to believe that what we currently think we know about the Universe is reasonably correct, even though statistics aren't on our side.!
Previous generations incorrectly thought the exact same thing about what they used to think was true... (Flat Earth, Earth as centre of Universe etc 😝)
(sidenote: Flat Earth believers still exist in large numbers in USA, no wonder how Donald Trump got so far in Presidential elections  😝 ( Edit Nov.2016, He even became a President now :3 )
Science is growing, "it never stopped growing"
but what's the level of "Knowing everything" have we achieved.? compared to a Human life?
We argue that the current state of Science is like that of a 3 year old child, growing and learning new things every other day with a Huge life ahead to live and learn from.!
But, what if it's equivalent of a 60 year old guy? Already full of all possible experiences he could have gathered on his way in life, and lacking *just* a few more discoveries to reach the ultimate "saturation" of Knowledge...?!
and, well....those "few more discoveries left for Grand-Old guy?"
"cure of cancer, formula for immortality, time travel/interstellar travel, Unified theory of everything, gravita....Ohh Scientist bros discovered Gravitational waves few weeks ago" etcetera.

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