
March 21, 2017

Is our Language Really Powerful? The "Language"

Science is amazing
Every other day it amazes us with new discoveries, new theories, new philosophies for life.

However, each new theory of science, as represented in language, is actually a "new combination" of old words.
Words which we already knew, only their combination is new.
Even the greatest discoveries of humanity, the theoretical discoveries, for example The General Relativity, were more of "language things" rather than being "experimental" things.
In fact, even the experimental discoveries and inventions are, in their roots, find their concepts being conveyed in "language".
Each new discovery, is the combination of old words we already know.
Each new discovery, has always been out there in the form of words, we just needed to reassemble them smartly.
This gets me thinking,
What if we don't have right amount of words in our languages, to comprehend even greater discoveries.
Is our "language" really that smart?
(Leads us to an obvious conclusion) that the complexity of language is the true measure of the "intelligence" of a specie.
Maybe our languages are really smart, way more than any alien life form,
or maybe our language is not even a fraction of the "true intelligence" about which we can only imagine.
We have a poor frame of reference in this context. Actually, it's not poor but the samples we have, puts us on the top as being "the smartest of all" (Samples here being the languages used by other earthly-animals) So this comparison shouldn't really count in, which calls us intelligent without a fair comparison.

Moreover, languages, as we know today, are ever evolving things. Many common words we use today, were meaningless sounds a few centuries ago; Hindi and English are only roughly a millennial old languages, our many monuments are older than our languages.
Point is, like culture and society, our language ability too has been evolving and growing year by year since the dawn of our specie;

An Exponential Growth" actually. Not only in language, but in every measure of intelligence. Of the 2,00,000 years of existence of HomoSapiensSapiens, females got the rights and equal say in decision making in most of our societies, only around 50 years ago.
Well, our language has evolved at-least this much, that we can think about these things properly. It's safer to assume that, at-least our language is that powerful that it lets us imagine about the possibilities beyond us and our reach, even beyond our understanding.
I'm glad, for "having knowing" about this seemingly terminal-end of the stretch of Human Knowledge and Language; that, "The utmost extent of men's knowledge, is to know that he knows nothing"..
I often wonder, what if we just don't have that right amount of neurons in our brain, or, maybe we lack a more advanced neural network, that we can not process the complexity of higher dimensions in our head.
Well it's true,
being the "living in 3 dimension" guys, we struggle hard to imagine the 4th dimension in our head, so much so,
that it's otherwise a funny concept for a non-believer of science, that dimensions, other than 3 known and familiar to us, may ever exist.
What if we all are living through these dimensions, but are dumb enough to never actually perceive them directly. Science has never denied the possibility, in-fact Quantum Physics opens the door of possibilities of existence of Parallel Universes and "Eleven Physical Dimensions" at least, if not more.